Mensagem dirigida à Directora da EUROPOL, De Bolle, encaminhando a mensagem dirigida à CE e ao PE sobre o partido CHEGA (em inglês)
Subject: Fwd: Chega - a racist party in Portugal. Complaint on compliance with the law and the Constitution
Dear Ms. De Bolle,
Executive Director of EUROPOL
Please find herewith a communication that I have sent to EC and EP top officials, regarding a complaint I submitted to the Portuguese Attorney General for lack of action regarding the complacency of Portuguese authorities towards the racist party CHEGA, in gross violation of the law and the Portuguese Constitution.
Best regards,
Ana Gomes
Former MEP (2004-2019)
Subject: Chega - a racist party in Portugal. Complaint on compliance with the law and the Constitution
Dear President of the European Commission
Dear Commissioners,
For your information, please find herewith a letter that I have sent to the Portuguese Attorney General asking that the Public Prosecution takes up with the Portuguese Constitutional Court the review of the legalization afforded to the extreme right wing Party CHEGA, despite the fact that its Political Program and political action clearly violate the Portuguese Constitution and the Portuguese Law, namely in their clear prohibition of parties which spread racist hate and which do not respect Political Democracy nor the Constitution itself.
I point out that the program, statements and records of that Party also grossly violate the European Charter of Fundamental Rights, the Council of Europe Conventions, the Universal Bill of Rights and also the TFEU, since they advocate that Portugal should only partially respect EU commitments and should reconsider its membership of the UN.
Best regards,
Ana Gomes
Former MEP 2004-2019